Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I mint an EtherPet NFT?

  • To mint an EtherPet NFT, you need to burn EtherPets tokens. The price to mint an EtherPet is always $100, regardless of the current token price. Simply visit our platform, connect your wallet, and follow the minting process.

2. How many EtherPets can I mint per round?

  • Users can mint up to 5 of each species of EtherPets per round per wallet. This means that a maximum of 15 EtherPet NFTs are available to mint per round per wallet in total.

3. Can I trade my EtherPets on the secondary market?

  • Yes, you can! EtherPets can be listed and traded on the secondary market platforms like OpenSea. Connect your wallet, create a profile, and approve transactions to list, sell, or buy EtherPets on these platforms.

4. How often are new EtherPets available to mint?

  • New EtherPets are available to mint in accordance with the schedule outlined within the roadmap. In the first season, there are over 30 unique EtherPets to discover and collect.

5. What are the plans for the future of EtherPets?

  • We have exciting plans for the future, including the development of a 3D Unity Engine-based online blockchain game. This game will utilize EtherPet stats, typing, and levels to create dynamic battles where users can compete PVP to rank up and qualify for prize tournaments. . Details of the game are still in development.

6. How is EtherPets metadata secured?

  • EtherPets metadata is secured by two offline servers. This ensures the integrity and security of the EtherPets system, safeguarding users' data and preventing any compromise of sensitive information.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team or refer to our comprehensive documentation for additional information and guidance.

Last updated