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Tracking XP On The Etherdex

Welcome to the heart of your EtherPets journey - the Etherdex. This innovative dashboard is where your EtherPets truly come to life, offering you the ability to track progress, evolve your companions, and personalize them with nicknames. Dive into a world where your interactions on the Ethereum blockchain directly influence your EtherPets' growth and evolution.

How Experience Points (XP) Work

Your EtherPets evolve by gaining XP through various Ethereum transactions. Each blockchain function you perform contributes a different amount of experience to your EtherPets, reflecting the diverse activities within the EtherPets ecosystem. Here's a breakdown of how much XP each action awards your EtherPets:

  • SWAP: Engaging in token swaps on platforms like Uniswap or using popular sniper bots yields 30XP.

  • MULTICALL: Executing multicall operations grants your EtherPets 30XP.

  • MINT: Minting new tokens or NFTs adds 10XP to your EtherPets' experience.

  • BRIDGE: Using a bridge to transfer tokens between different chains provides 20XP.

  • SEND: Sending tokens or assets contributes 5XP.

  • CLAIM: Claiming rewards or tokens from DeFi platforms awards 5XP.

  • COMMIT ENS: Committing an ENS (Ethereum Name Service) transaction earns 20XP.

  • TRANSFER: Transferring EtherPets or other assets between wallets gives 5XP.

  • ATOMIC MATCH: Participating in atomic match transactions, such as those on NFT marketplaces, grants 20XP.

  • APPROVE: Approving a contract or transaction offers 2XP.

  • WITHDRAW (ALL): Withdrawing funds or assets from platforms or contracts yields 10XP.

  • DEPOSIT: Depositing tokens or assets into platforms or contracts adds 5XP to your EtherPets.

Evolving Your EtherPets

As your EtherPets accumulate XP, they inch closer to reaching their evolution thresholds. Once the required XP for their specific growth rate is met, your EtherPets become eligible to evolve into their next form, unlocking new abilities and forms.

Constantly Expanding

We are continually enhancing the Etherdex experience by adding new functions to track and expanding the Etherpets repository. Stay engaged with your EtherPets' journey and watch as they grow and evolve through your active participation in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Explore the Etherdex today and take the first step in an unforgettable adventure with your EtherPets, where every Ethereum transaction brings you closer to unlocking the full potential of your digital companions.

Last updated