
Etherpets TD offers a rich and engaging gameplay experience that combines strategic tower placement, offensive minion sending, and resource management. This section will guide you through the core mechanics of the game, helping you understand how to play and succeed in the world of Etheria.

Login: To start playing Etherpets TD, simply connect your DeFi wallet. This serves as your login and allows you to securely store and withdraw your in-game currency, e-shards.

Main Menu:

  • Find Opponent: Click this button to start matchmaking and find an opponent to battle against.

  • View Towers: Here, you can learn about each Etherpet tower's unique abilities and upgrade paths.

  • Stats and Leaderboard: Check your personal stats and see how you rank on the all-time and weekly leaderboards for wins.

  • Withdraw: Convert your hard-earned e-shards to $EPETS tokens at a 1000:1 ratio and withdraw your winnings to your connected DeFi wallet.

Last updated